Monday 17 January 2011

Whats next for 2011

I've just finished a contract last week so now I have some free time I thought I would blog about what might be next for me in 2011. Where does the time go juggling work and getting the assessment in on time life seemed to pass by very quickly. Now I have time to look back and reflect on everything I see a few things that I can do in order to make the next module and future employment more harmonious. Time management is quite an issue where I struggled to find the right balance so moving forward I have decided to make a timetable setting out a week by week plan alongside my journal entries to give me an idea of how on top or behind things I am.

I attended my first audition in a while last week which was such an eye opening experience. Going to London for the first time in about nine months was great fun meeting up with old college friends as well. Unfortunately I wasn't successful in the audition so the quest for my next contract continues wish me luck. Hopefully I'll be blogging again soon about where my career will be taking me next in 2011 but for now I'm just going to enjoy teaching and the whole audition process with the further knowledge that the BAPP has given me.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Critical Questions and issues that emerge Task 3d

Sharing my ideas with others has definitely changed my planning process at times because I have gained new ideas and perceptions seeing how they will be interpreted on mass. First impressions aren’t always the best and when I’ve not known somebody very well it has take another to reassure me that their methods were in fact sound and my judgement was changed because I kept an open mind.
I believe in the past others have been willing to assist me because they potentially have been in my position and know what difference advice can make. As performers we all worry about finding that next job and sometimes sharing these concerns can help. In the past I’ve been given great advice helping me decide what my next plan of action was. I believe naturally performers work as a team because there is more satisfaction and feeling of involvement to be gained. If you choose to journey alone it would make boring conversation. I believe we all seek some form of validation whether it be applause or constructive criticism we want to feel part of something knowing we’ve made a difference. 

The use of critical reflection helps me to decide what really matters and know what action to take. Whether or not I put this decision into action is another matter though. Knowing something and actually acting on it is two very different things which is something I have realised since starting this course. I feel I could be more assertive and follow through with more of my ideas following my gut instincts.

The concept that cooperation can assist me has definitely made me see how productive it can be for me professionally making me appreciate my affiliates and network of friends more now. Knowing if we work together giving support and assistance everyone stands to gain from it professionally. I won’t use somebody just for my personal gain rather I give help in the hope that it will come back to me when I need it the most.

The reason I am happy to cooperate and assist others is because I know what it feels like to need help. I remember when I first graduated I had no idea what direction to go in and where to even start looking for auditions or an agent. With the support of older performers I was able to find my footing and establish myself firmly within the performance industry. I have to give many thanks to my past and current supportive community.

Now reflecting on my opinions before this part of the module I do feel differently. I am able to question my decisions and finds answers and ways of improving my techniques. A whole new appreciation for my knowledge and web based technologies has been formed. I didn’t realise how much I knew and had readily available to assist me in my professional practice.
I am more likely to network and share information with people I trust and respect. I have realised that at times that I have put others before my own needs and since suffered for my kindness. I have discovered a need for assertiveness on my part by going and getting what I want not stopping my progression to help others along the way. I’m hindering my own progress through kindness if I do this.
I do believe my engagement with others is appropriate making the most of my networking skills.  My engagement isn’t limited to one particular networking process as I do try to use a varied medium in order to maximise my range of opportunities. My engagement is unplanned at times so I feel I could get into a better routine where I’ll try to connect with others in my networks more often and efficiently.

I am now going to explore other people’s blogs to follow up new ideas and discussions.

Sources of Information Task 3c

The Internet
For me the Internet is my most essential source of gaining information. It is so readily accessible to me with several sites of great assistance. I use the Internet on a daily basis to communicate and interact to seek further knowledge and expand my professional networks.
Below are the main sites that I take advantage of:
  • Facebook is my main connection to all my friends and professionals colleagues which I have constant access to via my Blackberry. I receive daily auditions in my inbox and can search other pages to find up and coming auditions. For me this is a vital process because the sooner I get the details the more chance I stand of being seen for an audition.
  • Email-I have two email addresses one personal and one professional both of which I have access to via my blackberry. On a daily basis I find having my emails ready to open in my hand so conveniently without the need for personal interaction all factual information that is needed is sent direct allowing me to view straight away. The need for two email addresses aids my need for organisation not allowing my professional networks to become cluttered.
  • Youtube- My show reel is uploaded on youtube with a link that I often send out to potential employers. This for me is important to have as it gives employers a better understanding of me as a performer and shows of my strengths.  I also use you tube when I need to research a part or learn a new song. It’s an ideal way to see different interpretations of a part and give me a deeper insight into the character. Since leaving college I haven’t always had someone who could give me critical feedback or discuss in length my staging and performance. This technique is something I have learnt to develop on my own with the use of youtube and other web based technologies and I feel has greatly enhanced my audition preparation skills.
  • Google search engine-For me google is extremely valuable to aid my continual search for knowledge. I like to research potential employers and see their website to gain a greater idea of how they work and what contracts they have performers in currently. I feel the more I know about a company the more prepared I am when I meet with them knowing what style they are looking for and what impression I should give. The more prepared I am the less nervous I am and I can stay more focused.
  • Blogging- Since starting this BAPP course I have been amazed at the amount of insight all users have brought. It is so reassuring to hear other professionals on the same path as me still passionate as ever to keep on striving. This really has given me a huge boost of confidence and reassurance that I am going in the right direction and being guided along the way.
  • Blackberry- I have already explained how valuable having my Blackberry is to me having so many uses. I’ve had my blackberry for about eighteen months now during which time my professional networks have more than doubled in productivity. I don’t know how I managed to keep on top of the information and auditions being published before. I feel connected within the industry because I can receive information direct which helps me stay positive in my search for further employment.
  • Ameritz-For those of you who aren’t aware of the website Ameritz google it. I am forever accessing this website buying the latest backing tracks and researching their whole library of Musicals. This is my first point of contact when I have an audition coming up which requires me to sing. I have many vocal scores but nowadays many auditions are requesting backing tracks so I must move with the times and take full advantage of this great site. If they don’t have a particular song I am looking for or I need it in a different key they are happy to take requests and try to fulfil them. When I purchase a track I can automatically download it which is so convenient and has proved very useful when I’m teaching as well.  This service gives me immediate assistance and speeds up learning new material. Before these sorts of websites were available I would have less variety in song choices and relied on vocal scores more. Using a score requires having a pianist to play for me so again more time and money to rehearse now this process has been removed and makes it more realistic to afford. Ameritz is definitely a useful source of information for me and I have used tracks for auditions where I have been offered contracts so is vital for my professional practice.
Before this task I hadn’t realised how significant the internet truly was to my professional practices. Having taken the time to analyse the different ways I utilise the internet I realise Stacey’s Wilson comment that “I can confidently say the Internet is a fabulous tool and we would be restricted without this resource” I too would be lost without it. I definitely have a greater appreciation for web 2.0 technologies seeing that they are necessary for my career to survive.

  • Face to face interaction As Pearl Scott mentioned when referring to meeting people face-to-face for the first time “It is also good to put a face to name if you have only been communicating on the internet.” I think when meeting a potential new agent for the first time can be a great way to really make a true judgement on their professionalism and personality. Often interacting just via the internet can be cold and impersonal so not always the best reference for making accurate opinions.
Often as Pearl again mentions a downside to making new contacts meeting face-to-face is the time and money that is required to actually do this.” Disadvantages are it is more time consuming, can be expensive if you have to travel to meet up with people and I am finding getting people’s diaries to match can be a challenge”. I am at least thankful for the invention of railcards which has assisted me many times to travel down to London and back. On reflection I can see the potential positives that are to be gained from having contacts in London and by making an effort I stand to gain a lot more than I loose.
No matter whom I meet face-to-face for the first time I am glad of the connection whether it be merely just to share stories and socialise or trade details in the hope of securing further opportunities.
  • Word of Mouth from fellow performers- In past auditions I have crossed paths with previous college friends where we’ve shared our different experiences and swapped advice on who may be hiring and contact details. For me it is a really good source of information because I have trained with them and know that I can trust their judgement about any recommendations they may make. I do rely a lot on peoples opinions because I have had trouble with a previous employer and wouldn’t to go down that path again if I can help it. That doesn’t mean to say I am against applying to new companies that I haven’t heard of I’m just more cautious now.
  • Past choreographers- I have been fortunate to be contacted by previous choreographers that I’ve worked with for because we kept in contact and worked well together. This contact has given me further experience therefore proving to be a very significant source of information.
  • Previous Employers- I have always tried to keep in contact with previous employers because I have enjoyed working with them and have made close friendships with. Through this connection they have since offered me further work which again proves to be a great source of information which I intend to continue with.
It’s great to see that keeping contact with previous employers can benefit other people as well as me. In Jessica Hunt’s blog she mentions “ A friend of mine recently was just offered a job because the choreographer needed an extra dancer, and because that girl made a lasting impression on her, she phoned her up”. This reaffirms my opinion that if we maintain professionalism our lasting reputation can create future opportunities.

Live Performances
  • Theatre performances-For me watching a live performance is a great way to fully engage with the experience. Being surrounded by amazing sounds and performers provides my critical eye with information and my creative side with inspiration. Just when I feel I have seen everything I watch a performance just two weeks ago We Will Rock You which absolutely blew me away. The main character was played by Noel who used to be in the band Hearsay. I thought he was going to be good but I was amazed at how fantastic he was. Every part of his character was believable he had me laughing then almost in tears and his vocal ability was stunning. I really had underestimated him and I love the fact that even now two weeks on his performance still is at the forefront of my mind. This experience is important to me as it helps me to focus and make me question what more can I bring to my performance to possible to stay in at least one audience members memory like Noel did in mine.
It was nice to read Cerys Dixie’s take on how she finds watching Live performances “I also enjoy watching dance performances as it re-energises me, gives me inspiration and new ideas that I can then take back and develop in my class or choreography” I find this comment so true when I watch a new creation it inspires me to create myself in turn giving me new ideas to experiment with when I teach and choreograph. There will never come a time where I don’t want to see new performances I feel it is a continual learning platform for me and I love to be inspired.

There are many types of programmes and shows that I find interesting from reality television  shows to theatre performances:
  • The Royal variety performance-I love to watch this show every year seeing the best entertainment Britain has to offer. Only the top professionals in the industry get to perform on The Royal Variety performance and seeing them at their best motivates me to be the best I can be.
  • Britain’s got talent- I like this show because it gives some people who are truly talented the chance to shine who without this show maybe might not have got the chance.  I think the idea of finding raw hidden talent is very inspiring and keeps me positive in my quest for success.
  • X Factor- I like watching the dancers on the show and seeing their rehearsals with the main artist and choreographer. Seeing the whole process right up to the end result when they perform live is fun hoping that I might get the opportunity to appear there on day also.
  • The stage news paper-For me reading the reviews on the latest shows out there is so interesting seeing what the critics think and then if I’m able to go and see a show for myself and see if I come to the same conclusion they did. I guess this is my way of forming critical reflection with a comparison opinion. I have always enjoyed talking in depth about a performance looking at every aspect from the costumes and scenery to the choreography which is why I enjoy reading the reviews because they often look at the bigger picture too. I would say this is important for me to continue questioning and forming new opinions as the industry changes so do I whether I realise it or not I must adapt.
  • Programmes-When ever I visit the theatre I always purchase a programme. I find it a fascinating source of information seeing the journey of the cast. I like to see where each performer trained and see what experience their training has given them. A few times I have stumbled across performers who trained at the same college I did whether I knew them or not. This spurs me on giving me the belief that just because I trained in The North west it doesn’t mean I am not good enough to work In London!
  • Contacts- The contacts book has been very helpful when needing to find certain contact details or addresses if I’m unable to access the Internet. Also I believe it shows professionalism if a company advertises in contacts giving them more substance. It’s not always easy to tell if some companies are legitimate ones and this is a book that has a very professional reputation therefore trustworthy to me.
Joanna Adeyinka-Burford mentions that she found benefits from using the Contacts book saying” I often use this is a starting point and then take it to the Internet do dig deeper”. When I first started out in the industry before I had a blackberry my first point of reference was the contacts book. Being able to research agents by their location and then post my CV out to them was the original way I applied for work. Through the use of contacts I then went on the use their websites eventually realising the Internet was a quicker resource but remembering that the contacts book was my first point of reference for me when looking for professionals such a casting directors or photographers. I haven’t used contacts in a while I guess I forgot about it but I intend to use the benefits I once found in the future.
Cerys Dixie Blog Accessed 04/01/11 

Monday 3 January 2011

Theories Relating to Networking Task 3b


One of the most influential researchers in the field of Cooperation has been Robert Axelrod. I have to say I am really intrigued by Axelrod (1984) who ‘identified the importance of the notion of cooperation, and in particular, the benefits of cooperating fully with others, until you reach a point of maximum benefit after which a choice emerges’. This made me see how I had already found the benefits of cooperating during my training at college. I took full advantage of the teacher’s skills and knowledge throughout the three year course then I reached graduation which is where my choice emerged. From my training have I gained enough knowledge to go into the professional world?

Looking at Axelrod’s project starting with the question ‘When should a person cooperate, and when should a person be selfish, in an ongoing interaction with another person?’ On reflection I have in the past questioned if I should put myself out for some one to aid their success not realising the potential damage I could have one my own by doing this. I attended an audition where I knew another candidate so it made sense to pair up and try to learn lines together in that particular situation. We took turns reading opposite lines because we were reading for the same part and when we were confident we started to stage the scene. I politely agreed to let her go first gaining perspective on her interpretation which was helpful. However just as my turn arose to rehearse my name was called to go and read for the part. Great by cooperating and not being more selfish my kindness had backfired and resulted in not hearing back for a recall. Had I known this would be the case I would have chosen to work alone rather than sharing my knowledge. With this experience of cooperation in mind I think in the future I will put my needs first then others second. I have come to the realisation that cooperation is necessary when networking but only to a certain degree with every new experience needing individual assessment. Looking at Axelrod’s origional question deciding whether to be cooperative or selfish in this situation alone I see how by having this insight in the future will definitely aid my professional conduct and make me think twice if I find myself in the same situation.   

At times I can see that mutual cooperation with reference to Axelrod’s project on the ‘Prisoner's Dilemma’ can be useful in consideration of my future needs.’ The game allows the players to achieve mutual gains from cooperation, but it also allows for the possibility that one player will exploit the other, or the possibility that neither will cooperate’ Axelrod, R. (1984 pp xi – xiv).
I find this concept very interesting and reaffirm my thoughts when assessing other professionals. I judge others on first impressions trying to see the good in them. I guess this possibly naive approach can be a down side not knowing what lengths others might l go to in order to maximise their own potential over mine. The constant battle for improvement all relies on whether or not the cooperation is mutual .How can I be certain who I can and can’t trust when applying this theory in a professional context? Maybe by asking this question alone will help to keep me alert for future occurrences.    


‘Affiliation is a concept in the field of social psychology that seeks to explain why humans ‘form close relationships’ (Crisp & Turner, 2007 pp266). I questioned why I form close relationships when professionally networking and I came to the realisation that maybe I form close relationships in order to seek validation from other experienced professionals to sustain a high standard of skill and performance. I trust other performers who I deem to be talented as reliable and therefore suitable to be’ a network of support’. I think this is a subconscious reaction of mine which I had never really given much thought to before now.

‘Affiliation therefore can be explained as a social process that satisfies a psychological need by providing us ‘with a network of support that will help us when we are in need’ (Crisp & Turner 2007 pp266). I can now see that I do rely on affiliation having a large network of friends to support me both professionally and personally. It is reassuring to be surrounded by people who share a common interest and discuss professional issues with.

In the past I have looked to others in my ‘network of support’ for advice on audition material and in turn have given advice back. I can see that this process over time has broadened my knowledge of materials and opened my eyes to new ideas which have helped me to become a more varied performer. With this affiliation and sharing of knowledge I can see how useful it is to have in order for me to continue learning.

I hadn’t really appreciated the potential that affiliation could hold but now looking to the future I intend to share more of my experiences and be open to others ideas being selective on how best to utilise the information gained.

I like the question asked in the reader ‘If experienced and influential individuals are likely to be at their preferred level of affiliation, why is it common for them to still assist younger, less experienced individuals?’ Extract from Crisp, J & Turner, R. (2007 pp266 – 268) I thought this was interesting and realised that through teaching I do this. I gain a real sense of satisfaction assisting youngsters to develop their own sense of performance. What is the point of having a skill but not sharing it with others? I don’t just mean in a performance sense either by having had an experience which has helped me to grow and form a critical eye, I am then able to use this to motivate others who are less experienced. Passing on any experience both positive and negative can give insight and I have appreciated more experienced professionals doing this for me.  

Social Constructionism

From the Extract from Crotty, M. (2005 pp 4244): In the constructionist view, as the word suggests, meaning is not discovered but constructed. My understanding from this was In order for me to have a networking system I had to construct it. Using my knowledge I had to give my network ‘meaning’ so the information I gave in order for it to exist is what made it be.
I would say the start of my networking skills came from what I learnt at college and since then has grown with my increased contacts and experience.

Social constructionism seems to be a continual process that I unknowingly utilise on a daily basis.  Looking at Stacey Wilson’s comment on the use of facebook as a social constructionism I can see how this process significantly impacts my professional networking growth. Now seeing the how having many friends and professional acquaintances available to me is something I had once overlooked as a potential benefit. On reflection this by my own creation is a very useful tool to have looking forward I see people who I may not be in constant contact with currently becoming more important by my own interactions and networking skills.
The more I investigate and explore new concepts and ideas the more successful I can become. Work opportunities don’t just come my way I actively have to seek them out and network building new relationships in order to create new alliances.

I can take a positive step for future reference using social constructionism as a way of reminding me that I will only get out of a situation what I put in speculating to accumulate. In the past I have dismissed the notion of travelling a long way for an audition because the amount of effort required was significant. If I always had that approach then I am allowing myself to miss out on so many discoveries loosing out on the ability to create a new meaning.

If I want to succeed then I must be willing to put maximum effort in not just on stage but in preparation as well!


My understanding of connectivism is that it’s a theory of learning which can be passed through the internet and digital technologies such as social media like Web2.0.Looking at connectivism I use the internet almost on a daily basis for my main medium to learn. Being on this BAPP course the main way I stay connected and further educate myself is through the internet using the theory of connectivism regularly.

‘In relation to professional networks the theory of Connectivism provides an explanation about how networks provide the means for individuals to connect and learn from and within the network’.  Whether I am obtaining information from observing the information or from ‘within’ actually sharing my knowledge interacting with others the cycle of learning is continual. 

‘However you receive the information it is the learner who connects information into higher schemes that make sense of their experiences. As such, the theory argues that knowledge is constructed from the forms and patterns of connections made. Extract from Siemens, G. (2004)’ I feel It doesn’t matter how I receive information its how I process it which will determine how successful and beneficial the information will be and how effectively I can put it to use.

‘Different approaches and personal skills are needed to learn effectively in today's society. For example, the ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill’.
I feel connectivism is relevant to my further networking keeping me aware of the constant change in technology. Just by looking over the last few years I can see how being able to utilise the internet is so an important when trying to get ahead in the performance industry. Seeing a change and moving with the times is integral in order for me to stay current and connected to an ever changing system of learning.

Communities of Practice

A community of practice is the idea that a group of people who share common interests in order to learn from each other are formed.

Being a part of such communities for me professionally has been essential in order for me to find vital information regarding auditions that weren’t necessarily public knowledge.
Word of mouth is great when it comes to getting ahead and it’s not always what you know but who and if a friend wants to share information with me that’s great. This has always and will continue to be the most important networking tool I know.

Looking back when I first graduated my first few auditions were accompanied by at least five other girls from my year. We all knew about the audition so there was no point trying to hold back information instead we helped each other out by travelling together and sharing the cost. This is kind of situation doesn’t arise much any more though as I’ve progressed over the years the communities of practice I engage with have changed. I have a more varied group of people I socialise with different styles and qualities so it would be rare we would attend the same audition for the same part. I’m not sure when I look at this why this has become the case as it hasn’t been a conscious decision to push potential competition out of my social circle. Maybe as performers we all develop different sections of our ambition and naturally drift apart. If the situation did arise would a friend tell me about an audition if they saw me as competition for the same part? Probably not and I don’t think I would go out of my way to inform them either. Auditions can sometimes be last minute and I often find it a struggle to prepare myself let alone assist others. If I did need advice about what style of song to sing I would ask that community of friends for advice, I guess this is where I am more selective of what I share and how I use information to my advantage and benefit from others varied knowledge.

I hadn’t realised it before but guess I have developed a way of using this technique to aid my professional conduct being selective in how I use it. A skill which I wasn’t aware I had but intend to continue using.


Axelrod, R. (1984) The evolution of cooperation. London: Penguin

Crisp, J & Turner, R. (2007) Essential social psychology. London: Sage

Crotty. M. (2005) The foundations of social research: meaning and perspectives in the
research process. London: Sage

Stacey Wilson Blogspot Accessed 3/01/11

Siemens, G. (2004) Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age

Sunday 2 January 2011

Current Networks Task 3a

What are the current and different ways (tools) that you have, or do, engage your professional network?

The current networking tools that I use on a day to day basis mainly revolve around web based technologies such as:

  • Facebook which I use on a daily basis.
  • Casting websites such as Spotlight, Entsweb, Equity, and The Stage.
  • Two hotmail accounts one for professional use and one for personal use.
  • I use you tube having a link for employers to view my show reel video through.
  • I have an interactive Spotlight page which has a personalised link so I can send to potential employers for viewing.
  •   Carrying my blackberry phone around with me gives me constant contact to all my web based technologies keeping me engaged with my professional networks.
  • Over the last few contracts I’ve made a conscious decision to stay in contact with previous employers and colleagues as we became more than colleagues but close friends sharing so much in common. I will often chat on facebook with them seeing what there up to and try to meet up if we were working nearby one another.

What are the established (and different) ways that others use their networks, especially if they are more established or experienced practitioners that you admire?

More established and new ways I’ve found others using their networks consist of:
  • The use of Twitter being able to update a status and follow certain professionals can prove to be beneficial in capitalising on another’s knowledge.
  • Keeping a close relationship with your agent seems to be integral to many performer’s successes I have come across. I currently don’t have an agent but am in the process of changing that. In my previous blog i talked about my reluctance to trust agents and the next step in my search for representation. I can see from colleagues that I’m currently working with the benefits to having personal representation having some one who understands your needs on a personal level. This is something that I admire and would like to acquire in the future to assist my continual professional networking and development.
  •  The more established performers are the more connections throughout the industry they make. A lot of jobs don’t seem to be widely advertised. One example of this is the dancers on X Factor. Its always who you know as I’ve had a couple of people I trained with appear there and they said they got an audition through a friend. So word of mouth seems to be a more established networking system that I would certainly like to utilise more.

Are there methods, approaches and technologies that you use socially that might apply and help you develop your professional networking?
  •  Facebook is a big part of my professionally networking routine keeping me in contact with other professionals who may be casting at any given time.
  • I try and stay in constant contact with friends and previous professionals I have worked and trained with. Being at the forefront of peoples minds has helped me to be considered for work by previous employers. If they know my availability then if an opportunity arises I’m more likely to be considered.
  • Attending regular dance classes helps me stay connected with other like minded people and we often share tips ideas about up and coming auditions. I’m not afraid to initiate conversations and ask questions to develop my knowledge and meet new people. I think socialising is a great way to stay in the loop as there’s always someone out there more experienced that I can learn from. In turn I have passed on my knowledge to other performers who are just starting out to aid their journey.   

    When you reflect upon current networks, can you think about the motives of others to be in the network and what values and purpose they have in mind? 
    • Casting directors use facebook to reach as many people as possible hoping to maximise their client database and find the best suited performers.
    • I think everyone uses networking for personal gain whether it simply is an employer to fill a position or myself to search and hopefully get a job.
    • Networking is used to build a reputation and an image of professionalism. I try to manage my online networks with a sense of caution to retain control on what I let others view. I wouldn’t want a negative impression of me being portrayed personally let alone professionally!  

      What would your ideal network look like and why? 
      • My ideal network would have easily accessible contact details for like minded professionals.
      • I would have a wide range of performers, choreographers, costume suppliers, agents, past and present colleagues all in the same area so we can share information, availability and advice easily.
      • I like recommendations of good companies who may be hiring as well as advice on people to avoid. I wish I could have received advice about a company I worked for a few years ago because I would have thought twice if I had known their lack of work ethics!

      What realistic things could you do to work towards developing your ideal network?
      • Realistically I believe I am already working towards developing my ideal network. I will continue to maximise the benefits of web based technologies.
      • I will continue to keep a professional attitude and perform every job and audition to the best of my abilities to sustain a positive reputation. 
      • My next big step to developing my ideal network is by seeking representation. I already have planned is to go down to London and meet with my potentially new agent. 
      • I intend to increase my one-to-one interaction with other professionals attending regular classes to improve my physical skills as well as my socialising abilities.   

      What tools and methods do you need to use? What do you know about your current and intended networks, and importantly, what do you not know?
      • Good socialising skills are necessary to maximise potential new friends and information.
      • I will continue with my use web based technology’s and word of mouth approach when seeking further employment.
      • I know my current networking skills help to keep me connected to an ever evolving industry.
      • I don’t know how long these technologies will stay relevant or satisfactory to find further employment. More and more I find websites that claim to have so many castings if you pay for a subscription. Even dance cast on facebook which I have found very beneficial will change to a subscription website as of February. How long until all sites and methods of seeking employment require money to even see an opportunity. Society nowadays seems to thrive on money and more and more professional casting sights claim to be exclusive but I know through other professionals most of the castings are replicated and dispersed at different times but ultimately are the same.