Saturday 12 November 2011

Part 1A Critical Review: Introduction 500 words(1st Draft)

Title (in progress):
Does a teaching role within the arts impede or help the opportunity to perform?

When I began this BAPP course I had the idea that I wanted to expand my skills trying to bridge the gap between my teaching and performance work within Musical Theatre. I felt if I were able to teach within a more vocational setting then this would give my career more longevity and the possibility for expansion. My first concern was could my lack of teaching qualifications hinder this idea? I hoped if I could bring together my experience and introduce it in some way within an educational setting I could widen the reach of musical theatre making it more mainstream and accessible. Thus combining my two passions of teaching and performing o bring me further stability in the arts.
Previously my performance career was supported financially by other jobs outside of the arts which is something I wanted to avoid so I sought a new direction where I could strengthen my and employability long-term. I found in the arts employers seemed to be more interested in experience over qualifications as my search to teach musical theatre led me to a company called Mainstream Theatre Arts (MTA) where I hoped to continue performing alongside. My employment with them has allowed me the opportunity to introduce musical theatre into each school’s curriculum. Working freelance my position is one that previously didn’t exist and allows me to facilitate my own ideas combing elements of dance, drama and singing. I feel by gaining this new position I have demonstrated a greater demand for musical theatre in mainstream education.
Having the ability to sing act and dance (be a triple threat) performer helped me gain this teaching role. I wonder if this role in turn could benefit my performance career. I now hope to explore the possibilities of teaching and performing cohesively and whether this could have a positive or negative effect on the other. I hope my inquiry can bring me further understanding about the decisions I've made and see what effect these could hold for my career and maybe others moving forward. Could my teaching experience be seen as a positive or a hindrance to a casting director and similarly could my performance career be seen as beneficial or irrelevant for a teaching position. Teaching and performing are both very close to my heart and being able to combine the two ultimately has brought me great satisfaction. However I am aware the more I am pulled towards teaching my performance opportunities are limited. In an ideal world the two could operate simultaneously but I fear this may not be possible. Hopefully through this inquiry I can establish further reassurance and direction through the knowledge of other professionals.

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