Friday 3 December 2010

Starting out on a ba (hons)professional practice

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Task 1c Audio Visual Task


  1. Rebecca good rationale in slideshow - it will be interesting to keep hearing if the tasks and course framework effectively help your professional practice. The only slide I found a bit difficult to read with the curtain framing one. Is this the 45 seconds task 1c? why this instead of video? just curious...

  2. A clear and well presented slideshow! I like the way you have added it to your blog so we can see it here without having to go to another page. Look forward to reading your blogs.

  3. Hi Paula

    I do intend at a later stage to add an audio with the slideshow which hopefully i can then add to youtube to complete the task but at this stage i feel i need to push on with the next set of tasks.I ended up creating a slide show because I found it easier to see my thoughts infront of me I didn't want to over complicate things just keeping it informative.I'm not camera shy but i over think things at times and i still want to give people a more personal impression of me by adding audio to the presentation.Do you think I have lost out/misinterpreted the task by not uploading a video?


  4. Hi Rebecca - well done on finding another Web 2.0 technology to post your thought on starting out on BAPP. I am sure that technically it's on a par with posting a video clip but I would agree with Paula's point on the background of the slide on the stage - it makes us work harder to read and I am sure that's not what you intended. I think the best thing at this stage is to crack on with the other tasks - the important thing here is that the experience may be of use in your critical reflection. You have spent a lot of time gathering your thoughts on what you expect from the programme and a good question to ask in the reflection is whether these were met and if so how.
