Friday 29 April 2011

Critical Reflection and Summary: Digital Portfolio

Developed professional questions
In the first part of this module I set about creating a list of professional questions that could add strength to my inquiry research.(Appendix A)This was invaluable for me to begin developing my opinions wanting to understand how musical theatre performers were perceived in society and whose perceptions these were.  Mark ILes comment struck chord with me (Appendix A) about the perceptions of musical theatre which led me to explore in more depth whose perceptions of musical theatre could potentially influence the industry.(Appendix B) Demonstrates my new found out look on how I believe there is a substantial place for musical theatre in education and society and look to see how these perceptions could be changed.
The discussions I engaged in on the musical Theatre SIG were highly informative (Appendix C) (4th comment down) and further convinced me of my conclusion that Musical theatre is in fact a sustainable career in many contexts not just for performers but teachers alike. Society’s perception plays a significant part in this sustainability therefore bringing further reasoning for me wanting to bridge the gap between performers and their first interaction with musical theatre in mainstream education. I engaged on a SIG discussing the stereotypes of musical theatre and what could be done to change these (Appendix D) which highlights the main focal points for my inquiry demonstrating my first exploration beyond the programme within my own professional community.

Ethical considerations
In the next part of the module I looked into the ethical considerations that were needed within my professional workplace which is where the main focus of my inquiry will be. (Appendix E) Then analysing my findings with my initial assumption (Appendix F) I discovered further importance and responsibilities of my role as an educator of musical theatre adhering to a code of practice in order to improve the perceptions of the industry through education. I came to understand how my moral conduct and respect for others was essential for ethical equality.  (Appendix G) Taking this information forward when analysing a piece of literature (Appendix H) I saw how the writers experiences and techniques were be vital for positive change when utilised effectively with honest motives. This has helped further my professional inquiry developing this honest practice essential for progression (Appendix I).

Evaluation of the tools of Inquiry
In the final part of this module I discovered new ways of sourcing data specifically tailored for my inquiry topic. Through the use of my pilot survey (Appendix J) posted on my blog and SIG I was able to establish which courses and how long people felt training was necessary for. The variety of perceptions displayed showed the impact of how early inclusion of musical theatre can have a positive effect in the long term for a musical theatre career.
This solid foundation of answers gained trough all four tools of inquiry has brought a strong sense of direction moving towards my inquiry (Appendix K) I now know whose perceptions hold most strength and what training is deemed important most seeing areas for improvement and how this could be prevented in the future. I found my interview questions which influenced my pilot survey the most effective inquiry tool because I was able to dictate the questions without straying from my objectives like in my focus group (Appendix L). My experimentation with these newly found tools have led to my belief that I have the necessary tools to increase my knowledge and bring further clarity to my inquiry.


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